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When the problem is stated in an abstract way, using letters and numerals, people experience dif culty in coming up with the right solution However, when the problem is framed in a more meaningful context, one more concrete and familiar to an end-user, the problem becomes much easier to solve The implication of this result is that our materials, both diagrams and written materials, should be designed so that it promotes understanding One strategy is to frame the materials in a more meaningful context Indeed, many of the diagrams and system descriptions that we use today are couched in terms too abstract to be of much use to end-users Another strategy to make a dif cult problem more tractable is to employ analogical reasoning.

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14 Feb 2018 ... But, every enterprise application has an “ export to PDF ” feature. There are obstacles to overcome when generating PDFs from Azure Web Apps ...

decided on an interleaved model of concurrent execution, what t the relative order of actions from different processes in the interleavedactiontracerepresentingtheconcurrentprogramexecution We know that the actions from the same process are executed in order. However, since processes proceed at arbitrary relative speeds, actions from different processes are arbitrarily interleaved. Arbitrary interleaving turns out to be a good model of concurrentexecutionsinceitabstractsthewayprocessorsswitch betweenprocesses as a result of external interrupts. The t h i n relative to process execution cannot general be predetermine^ since actions in in the real world cannot be predicted exactly we cannot foretell the future. The concurrent execution model which processes perform actions an arbiin in c trary order at arbitrary relative speeds is referred to as an ~ s y ~ model~of ~ ~ ~ model in ~ c which processes ~ ~ ~ perform ~ ~ execution. It contrasts with the s actions in shultaneous execution steps, sometimes referred to lock-step. as

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6 Nov 2018 ... As our customer base grew, our costs to generate PDFs ballooned. ... NET on Azure Functions , and handles all of the incoming requests.

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